Saturday, 18 November 2006

Princess Rinko's Steady Descent Into Porn, Day 1

No camel toe yet, but definite sighting of near-labia-majora meat. Don't worry, we'll be here to report when she runs out of money for corrective contact lenses. You can run, Warlock, but you can't hide. Soon you will slip, then I will have you.


Anonymous said...

Who? What? Why???

No offence Teela, but for all the rest of us know, you've actually just made up this Rinko bird. She might just be some neighbour you have a fetish for. Couldn't you stalk some prettier girl? She doesn't even have tits.

At least this update was succinct and had her wearing a bikini, so we're heading in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

She's got gozzy eyes, too. Like Batou says, this blog needs bigger tits, not some has-been Sega PR girl with the chest of a 10 year old boy.

Pedro Jalapeno said...

I still definitely would though and if you have any nudes then I'd appreciate them sending my way.
