Monday, 20 November 2006

Stupid Man Breaks Own Telly

In what can only be assumed to be a revenge attack for this weeks earlier outburst, a man has hit back at Nintendo by buying a Wii, playing on the Wii's obviously fantastic games and obviously having much more fun than if he were playing, say, a Playstation 3, by cutting the cord of his Wiimote and smashing up his telly with a hammer to make it look like Nintendo are somehow at fault for manufacturing an assumedly inferior product. We assume. Which is funny because everyone knows everything made by Sony always breaks after six months.

Well, it's either that or he's an incredibly stupid, ham fisted, neandertal of a man who went into a rage about not winning at a video game. Lets all just point and laugh.


Anonymous said...

Wait for Kowloon's inevitable response - "OMG your stupid, or maybe your being ironic and therefore even stupider. Only a really stupid stupid-head would say such stupid things about MY PRECIOUS SONY *sob* *sob* *fap* *fap*"

Anonymous said...

Tits or GTFO

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, here's the BEAST of a man who broke it.

Zayne said...

"Well, it's either that or he's an incredibly stupid, ham fisted, neandertal of a man who went into a rage about not winning at a video game."

He's American.