SEGA Palindrome No.1
Hello and welcome to the exciting world of palindromes.
Every day for the next week* I will be posting a picture representing a SEGA palindrome, the following day I will post the solution. If you guess the palindrome before I post it then you will win a signed and hand-drawn version of the palindrome picture.
The first one is not too hard. Have a go.
While your puzzling that out why not check out some more palindromes:
"Peanuts' Legs" is Gel's Tuna EP.
*Every day that I can be bothered.
Clues please!
I have no idea.
Ok, the first word of the palindrome is sega, and we all know what that is backwards.
In the picture a starving Sega has given all his cake to African children. Meanwhile, I'm using a zimmer frame.
P.s. I know it's a bit shit but I was desperate to 'contribute'.
Don't be sorry, good on you for breaking the silence. What happened, guys? Has the novelty worn off already? What happened to "I wnat 2 b a reel gmaes jornalist! Sony will gib me a PS3!" attitude?
sega ....rem I'm zimmer ...ages. Tricky one.
I don't get it either :(
I was going to wait for someone to set up a proper blog, but I suppose it isn't going to happen. Maybe I'll post something shitty later in the week...
It will be better than another Ensign Teela Rinko post, anyway. Probably.
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