GOW early, and PS3 fallout
I somehow managed to score a free copy of Gears of War this tuesday. Well it isn’t exactly MY copy, but it may as well be.
So what do i think? Lets see here..
Graphics: 9.9/10 - Outstandingly done, and it shows that the ‘chunky’ models and lighting can be done well ( Doom 3 serves as a bad example of such a style).
Sound: 9.5 - Stunningly deep sound effects, most of which really strike you for the right reasons. There were a few very odd effects put in, like what can only be described as a ‘cartoon apple bite’ when the little light hating birdie thingos bite you.
Gameplay: 9 - This is high because of the lovely contextual controls. It isn’t a 10 because hiding behind things for hours on end makes me feel like a pussy.
Conclusion: Buy this game, but dont expect it to be a drawn out masterpiece. It breaks a butload of barriers with its online co-op and stunning graphics & physics, but this is a showpiece, not a masterpiece.
As for the PS3… WoW was that response muted! Most online publications have been discussing the subsequent auctions, which is probably quite appropriate if you consider that nearly 15,000 PS3 consoles were sold without a game.
Everyone else has been discussing Sony’s online network, and sheepishly avoiding the fact that all the games on the console are shit. There has also been word of defects both in software and hardware, but to be quite honest if there were any serious issues the backlash would be massive by now. No one shells out that much money and then stays silent as their £500 baby melts to their TV stand.
I do realize the PS3 doesn’t cost £500 in Japan, it only costs around £200. *cough*
"So what do i think?"
It's I you fucking twat.
Ask your school teacher for some extra lessons.
You retard.
Heckled already!
Congratulations on finding probably the most unimportant grammatical error ever.
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