Saturday, 18 November 2006

Gears of War is really, really hard

So, I started Gears of War yesterday. I put it on Hardcore thinking "Hmm, Casual's probably easy, so this must be Normal." If this is normal, Insane's going to kill me. Everything takes about a million hits to die (ACTUAL FACTUAL NUMBER!) and there's absolutely no ammo (ABSOLUTELY TRUE!) and everything's just really stupidly hard.

If anyone has any tips that aren't "Be less shit", please let me know.


Anonymous said...

1: Why are you still bothering?

2: When are you going to have an original thought?

Zayne said...

Die in a fire.

Anonymous said...

Shoot the fuckers in the legs - they go down quicker, then you can race up and bash them in the head/chainsaw them.

Failing that, get a friend to play as Dom, as despite what reviews might say, the AI is shite - frequently your team-mates will run into turrets/groups of enemies, despite telling them to hold back - and with a human co-op player, you can just advance slowly and use them to attract the enemy fire! Bonus!