Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Adam Doree Cuntometer

Our own IGN scientists have discovered something that will ROCK the gaming world forever. The chance of there being a Shenmue 3 is DIRECTLY proportionate to how much of a cunt Adam Doree is.

It's true.

He loves publishing Shenmue 3 "exclusives" but there's still been no hint of any kind of official announcement about the game. Right now Shenmue 3 is looking rather unlikely. It also happens that right now Adam Doree seems to be 90% cunt! Coincidence? Definitely not.

Back at the beginning of the year our cuntometer detected him being only 5% cunt. This just so happened to be at the time he was drumming up excitement for a SUPER REVEALING SHENMUE 3 INFO PACKED interview with Yu Suzuki. After the interview was published his cuntometer rating leapt up to 60%!

So, we have deduced that when Adam Doree's cuntometer rating reaches 0% then THAT is when Shenmue 3 will be officially announced!

We're certainly very excited about this find and will be keeping a close eye on our cuntometer in the near future.


Dork said...

I heard he got drunk and was bummed by a black bloke.

Domehead said...

So what you actually mean is that it's inversely proportionate?

Pedro Jalapeno said...

I probably do but I'm a bit thick and that's why we need people like you here.

To point out that I'm a bit thick.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I was going to say it should be inversely proportional, but UK:R's other resident smart-arse has beaten me to it.

Anonymous said...

Same here, but I didn't want to rock the boat.

Anonymous said...

adam is just next to me...and is definitely a cunt !!

Anonymous said...

Adam is awesome! See you're getting Shenmue 3 now! HE WAS FUCKING RIGHT
