Saturday, 2 December 2006

SEGA Palindrome No.3

Ok, I'm back again. It took me a while to think of this palindrome, and it will probably be the last as I'm having trouble thinking up any more. I'll reveal the answer tomorrow but I'm pretty sure no one will get this one. Even I don't really understand what it means. You can imagine it's some kind of Shenmue 3 prophecy brought on by heavy meditation and strong drugs if you like.

The answer to the last palindrome was: "NiGHTS pops th' gin".

Well done to clever Batou who guessed the right answer. A big box of respect is in the post.

Meanwhile... "Tips to no Devil".


Anonymous said...

Not a clue, I'm afraid.

Adam Adamant said...

This one is really contrived. But it includes the word 'Dreamcast', which is a feat I'm proud of.