No, we don't mean you'll be wandering around YET ANOTHER incrementally different Resident Evil 1 mansion.
Alone In The Dark? Load of crap. (Well, never played, but it looks shit)
We're talking about the daddy of the survival horror here. A game where the unexpecting player was plunged into a nightmare world where reality and fear incarnate became one. A game where paranoia was tangible, and a quick death was preferable to enduring the excrutiating madness. A game that GENUINELY triggered incontinence in some of its players, thus providing lazy game journalists with a throwaway line with which to pad out every preview of every horror game since. Yes, we're talking about...

Brace yourselves, here are the screenshots of the remake of the seminal Granny's Garden. It's newer, so by definition it's pish.
Oh GOD. Nice fancy-pants CG, you sell-outs. Guess where the budget went for THIS game.
It started off deceptively easy. I mean, who lives in a house with "FIG" written across it? A complete frothing psycho, that's who.

And then, if you went up the stairs, a fucking SNAKE would rip you to shreds. Well, they actually left that bit to the imagination, but it was scarier that way.

In fact, the only thing more terrifying than Granny's Garden was the horrible, unearthly banshee shriek of the BBC Micro's dot-matrix printer. Brrr.
On balance, it seems the Granny's Garden remake contains enough fire, vicious animals, and diabolic old women to mentally scar another generation of 6-year olds - success! Best survival horror game ever! 9/10
Link - (rated 18+, NSFW)
Jesus. I remember shitting my pants EVERY TIME at the site of that witch appearing on the screen and that awful noise to go along with it.
I'm almost tempted to buy this even though it is 34 quid.
The bleepy witch of death. WITH HER MOVING EYE. Jesus fuck. The BBC sure could generate some hellish sounds.
Batou, I'm genuinely worried about you if you can remember GG in such vivid detail. Did you cheat and peek at some websites? Or are you moonlighting as a school head of IT (i.e. paedophile) now? Well?!
I think GG was the first adventure game I ever finished. The bit with the feeding dragons could be tricky, and the last level was a benchmark exercise in frustrating memory-based gaming. I didn't know anyone else that was good enough (i.e. tragic enough) to finish it.
10/10 Game and blog post.
His daughter Esther - YES ESTHER FROM THE GAME ITSELF - is quite a hottie too.
Haha, thanks for the link Spud, that's great! The guy even looks like a crazy Prussian. Great stuff :D
That interview website seems to have changed its target demographic somewhat.
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